Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR)

Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR)

The Veterinarian-Client-Patient Relationship (VCPR) is the essential basis for interaction among veterinarians, their clients, and their patients.  It is critical to providing quality veterinary care and vital to animal welfare by allowing a veterinarian to regularly assess a pet’s entire physical status, family environment, and to regularly communicate with the owner. 

The American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA)

For Janssen Veterinary Clinic patients, a current VCPR means that our veterinarians have evaluated the patient and performed routine services within the past 12 months.

A patient does not qualify for a current VCPR:

  • If it has been more than 12 months since we last evaluated the patient.
  • If we’ve only dispensed items (such as vaccines, ointments, etc) without seeing the patient within 12 months.
  • If the only time we’ve treated the patient was during an emergency that our veterinarians saw out of good will.

VCPR is required for Emergency Service

JVC only sees equine emergencies for patients who have a valid VCPR and current clients who are in good financial standing with the clinic. Out of dedication to being available for our clients and patients in a timely manner during their time of need, we cannot provide emergency services for those who do not meet these qualifications.

Ambulatory Service Limitations – Have a plan to provide transportation

Please understand that we are asking clients to always be prepared to haul-in their horse. Most times we can meet a request for a farm call but we do expect clients to have haul-in options as part of an emergency plan.

If your horse’s location is greater than 30 minutes from the practice, we ask that you have a plan in place to be able to haul your horse to the clinic for emergency evaluation.

Due to the dwindling number of equine veterinarians in the industry and the ever rising number of horses who need care in a timely manner, we have to limit the amount of time that our equine veterinarians spend driving to farms to allow more time for treating patients.

We love our team and want to care for them well, but no one can meet the demand of our entire equine coverage area without your reciprocation through preparedness.

VCPR is required for Prescription Refills

A DVM will not write or renew a prescription if the patient does not have a current VCPR.

More Information

Indiana State Code IC 25-38.1-1-14.5 “Veterinarian-client-patient relationship”
American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) VCPR Position Statement
American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) Policy Comment